21 June 2007

Staying Healthy during Winter

It‘s almost six months, I’ve been living here in Melbourne. Now, the weather is cold as the winter is coming. Unfortunately, I come from a lovely tropical country Indonesia, in which there’s no such cold freezing days. Thus I've tried to learn how to stay healthy during this winter. I am not an expert in this field but trying to share what I’ve gotten from searching sources to answer my curiosity. Using Google Scholar search engine, with key words: “winter health tips”, I compiled and present to you what should and not be done during winter to maintain your fitness and health.

The most common problem is what is called as ‘dry winter skin’. The signs are our skins begin to flake and crack and this can lead to irritation as well as infection if it isn’t managed properly. Some most common suggestions to treat dry winter skin are:
- Limiting bath and shower to 10 minutes. Using warm rather than hot water. This can reduce the signs as well as your water and electricity bills. :)

Skin problems.
  • Avoiding using soaps with fragrance/perfume and antibacterial component. It’s better to use soap-free cleanser, take Sorbolene for example. Using both a skin softener and a moisturiser after bathing. The best option is one containing Ceramides.
  • Using beeswax on your lips when you're indoor and lip balm when you're outdoor.
  • If the signs are getting worse or your skin becomes red and itchy, ask Dr. Ady your doctor for further consultation. A corticosteroid cream may help to relief the signs within few days.
Common Colds
Flu experts have thought that during winter we’re indoor more and therefore more likely to share viruses. The symptoms and signs of common colds are nasal congestion (runny nose and sneezing), sore throat and coughing, watery eyes, and mild fever with aches and pains.
What you can do in this situation are:
  • Taking a pain reliever. It’s better to use one containing paracetamol or ibuprofen and avoid using aspirin.
  • Taking a rest, drinking plenty of water or fruit juices.
  • Avoiding using antibiotics. It must be noted that antibiotics are not effective and are not suggested for viral infection.
  • Avoiding direct contact with people who have cold
  • Washing your hand frequently
Psychological problems
Some articles stated that winter can affect human psychology. Human emotions may be high, or more sensitive than usual, or we may will be depressed by the winter situation. There are some tips suggested as follows:
  • Taking time for reflection, relax and getting quality sleep.
  • Having fun and laugh. Spending your time with your joyful, cheerful and light-hearted friends as well as your animal friends.
  • Making time for love. It is asserted that relationship with touch and intimacy are also good for your health. If you are not in a relationship or your spouse or partner cannot accompany you, try to seek another one, renew an old friendship, or make time for emotional exchange with trusted friends.
Other important things
  • Increasing your general condition. Cold weather requires us to provide a few more calories. High protein food is necessary. Spices such as garlic, ginger, and cayenne can heat our body. We also need some nutrient and antioxidants to maintain our fitness. Vitamin E and C are good examples of nutrient and antioxidants.
  • Protecting the parts of the body that most affected by cold weather, i.e. the ears, hands, feet and neck.
  • For those who have a baby, avoid covering the baby with extra blankets or clothes due to the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The best thing is to maintain the room temperature that feels comfortable for an adult. In using blanket, it must not be placed higher than the baby’s chest.
Overall, enjoy your life during this winter. Hopefully, this posting is worthwhile. Any queries are welcomed on comment tool, but this is not a consultation, just a way to discuss and share our knowledge and experiences.



  1. take care my friend...keep blogging even in frezzing condition...:)

  2. "If you are not in a relationship or your spouse or partner cannot accompany you, try to seek another one (but with strike)"This is an ugly suggestion hahaha..Cool tips doc!Josh

  3. » imcw,
    Thanks mate, blogging may be another tip to reduce stress during winter
    » Josh,
    That's why I strike that sentence but still keep it, to give another choice for the various readers, like you for instance hehe...

  4. I have bad condition in my skin if I've been live in cool weather... dry skin condition I can't imagine how bed my skin condition if I live in winter season..

  5. » Yusuf AR,
    Mas, we can use heater indoors, so don't worry, just come here, I'll take you around.

  6. Hi..hello.. bli Adi, kenken kabare? Your blog is very useful. However, I'd like to meet you directly as a patient He..he..he..

    Ady replies:
    Not bad... thanks for visiting Musa, have a great time in Ausie for you...

  7. wow, nice tips! emang susah ngadepin winter buat orang yang berasal dari negeri tropis kayak kita, Di. dulu waktu masih tinggal di Boston, tiap winter pasti kulitku jadi kering dan gatel! padahal udah dikasih pelembap sedemikian rupa, tapi teteeeep ... hiks!

  8. » dr. Vina,
    Tambahin dong tips nya hehe.. Di Melbourne sih ga sampai minus.
    Btw, punya blog baru ya.. tunggu kujungan balasan haha..


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