25 March 2008

Preventing Tuberculosis in Workplaces

Today, more than a century ago, Robert Koch discovered the microorganism causing Tuberculosis (TB).
His dicovery has led to more prompt sartegies in diagnosis and treatment and has significantly decreased the mortality due to TB all over the world. Yet, in some developing countries TB is still a major cause of death.
There is always a risk of getting the disease in every workplaces, especially in those with lack of sanitation. Here are some tips to prevent the spread of TB in workplaces, and let us support the World TB Day. Yes,  "I am stopping TB" 
  • Keep your workplaces clean and ensure that there is good ventilation system (if not discuss it with your employer)
  • Maintain your personal hygiene
  • Keep your nutritional status at a normal level. Body mass index (BMI) can be used to measure it. It's your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in metres [weight/height2]. The acceptable range is between 20 and 25. Bear in mind that the risk of getting TB is higher in people with lack of nutrition than those who are not.
  • Maintain periodic health monitoring including routine laboratory examination and rontgen.
  • Be aware of these signs: a persistent cough with or without discoloured or bloody sputum for more than 3 weeks, weight loss, fatique and mild fever. If you or your coworkers have those symptoms, seek your doctor and ask for laboratory tests such as Mantoux test, Cultur test or x-ray (whichever appropriate) to ensure whether you are having an active TB or not.
  • Promote the importance of this measure and discuss or ask the employer's commitment to succeed TB prevention programs


  1. numpang trekbek manual:
    MENKES BEDAH “SAATNYA DUNIA BERUBAH: TANGAN TUHAN DIBALIK FLU BURUNG “BUKU DI FKUNS: http://sibermedik.wordpress.com/2008/03/25/saatnya-dunia-berubah-bedah-buku-menkes/

  2. thank god my BMI is in the acceptable range (24.22). hopefully the sanitation in my work place could prevent TB. good article doc, any other articles? sexual article maybe, :D LOL

  3. Sibermedik,
    Segera meluncur kesana

    That's at the upper limit, be aware, otherwise you'll be overweight


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