This website aims mainly to provide thoughts, opinions and articles in medicine and health, as well as my journey and observation in places I have visited.
The notions expressed in this site are purely my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the stances of organisations where I involved in.
Suggestions, tips and any other similar forms in this site are guidance, help or advice only. They are not aimed to replace the relationship between patient and physician. I am also not responsible for any actions taken based on the ideas thereof.
Confidentiality regarding personal information, such as email address, private and medical information given due to communication through this website, is assured.
This website does not have any external sources of funding
Links provided in this website are voluntary provided and not part of link exchanges
This website may accept or host any relevant advertisment with clear descriptions
Rules for Commenters:
All commenters are by default considered as non medical professionals, unless stated otherwise.
All commenters must behave at all times with respect and honesty, otherwise the site's owner will moderate or delete the comments.
It should be noted that all comments posted in this site are visible to everyone. Once a comment is submitted, it can not be modified or erased. Please contact the site's administrator to delete or modify the comment.
All commenters should give references or links to the health/medical information they provide. When the information is not personal experience, the references or links must be provided.
All commenters must post information which are true and correct to their knowledge.
All commenters are not permitted to post any advertisement (links, banners, content, etc.), unless approved by the site's administrator.
Last updated: 19 April 2009