09 January 2012

Chikungunya Outbreaks in Depok, Indonesia

Chikungunya outbreaks  have been reported since November 2011 in 3 villages in Depok, Indonesia. As of the first week of 2012, the Sub-Directorate of Surveillance and Outbreaks Response, Indonesian Ministry of Health confirmed 42 cases occured among those aged 31-40 years, and 37 cases occured respectively among people aged 10-20 years and 21-30 years. Mosquitoes breeding places around the houses, with the larval-free index of only around 50%, were blamed for this outbreak.
People become infected with chikungunya virus by the bite of an infected mosquito. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the main vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus, ussually found in gardens, has also played a role in human transmission.

The incubation period of Chikungunya disease is from two to ten days. Travellers visiting this place and having an acute febrile illness, signs or symptoms compatible with chikungunya fever (fever, joint pain, or rash) should seek medical assistance immediately.
Avoiding mosquito bites is the best way to prevent chikungunya virus infection. Since there is no vaccine or preventive drug currently available, preventative measures such as to those for other viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, should be noticed.
These include using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, having secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out, and getting rid of mosquito sources in your yard by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels.


  1. nice blog dok, mampir2 ke blogku ya,,,

  2. Thanks dok sudah mampir, segera meluncur kesana :D


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