02 June 2007

World No Tobacco Day 2007

World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the number of people who will be killed due to smoking is roughly 650 million. What's more, people who never smoke are facing big problem as second-hand or passive smokers.

This is a campaign to support World No Tobacco Day 2007.

Smoke free for better health...

Source: http://www.who.int/tobacco/communications/events/wntd/2007/en/
This activity is registered on WHO World No Tobacco Day 2007 Activities as: Promoting World No Tobacco Day via Webpage.


  1. Yusuf Alam Romadhon06:31:00

    OK we can say that every one know the risk if they smoke but the campaign "let us smoke" is quite strong..its our challenged to make people who have smoke habit like an ancient creature...but people who not smoke is a cool person...

  2. Yusuf, that's a good idea. However,leaving a smoking habit is not as simple as our imagination. Some smokers indeed know what are the risks. We don't even have any idea as to what is the best way to stem people smoking habit.. The best way is campaign and campaign.

  3. Anonymous11:53:00

    is is possible to make smoking illegal?

  4. Hi there,I think it is impossible to make smoking illegal. If it impose or force to do, it seems that it will be against the human rights.However, it is possible to restrict smoking as what some governments have done. Here in Melbourne there is quiet though restriction, yet the government still facilitate smokers with special rooms or areas in which they are allowed to smoke. In Jakarta for instance, the regulation has already applied, but we don't know, how has it been running by far.Thanks for your query.

  5. inggit04:55:00

    "In Jakarta for instance, the regulation has already applied, but we don't know, how has it been running by far."still doesn't work.. masi banyak yg cuek ngerokok di tempat umum..

  6. Hi Inggit,Makasi infonya, ya begitulah peraturannya sudah bagus tapi penerapannya susah banget..It may take long time to see that the regulation consistently be applied..

  7. hebrink00:16:00

    Say no to smoke... :)

  8. Hebrink,Thanks for your support


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