31 August 2007

What's New on the Migraine Management

This week Professor Paul R Martin, a researcher in migraine and tension-type headache; stress, anxiety and depression; social networks and support; obesity and cardiovascular diseases; and also a Centenary Medal awardee in 2003, gave a public dean lecture entitled

Migraine is defined as disorders characterized by moderate to severe headache, usually one-side and pulsating and lasting in several hours to days. Other symptoms are varied from abdominal discomfort such as nausea and vomiting to photophobia. Triggers of migraine are widely varied and individualistic. Generally, the triggers are classified as environmental, food, chemical, hormonal and behavioural factors. The most popular among others is chocolate as a trigger in some sufferers.

Triggers of migraine and headache: to avoid or not to avoid, that is the question

In short, Prof Martin stated that the exposures to the triggers of migraine can be beneficial for the migraine-sufferers, allowing them to develop coping resources, meanwhile gaining and building immunity and defences. This concept turns over the traditional management that the triggers should be avoided. Moreover, he pointed out that avoiding the triggers can worsen the problem by adding anxiety to the triggers per se.

So.. for migraine sufferers who like chocolate... just go for it!!


  1. Dok, ada tulisan mengenai saliva tak?

    [Ady] Belum ada, kenapa Ros ada hipersalivasi??

  2. penyakitnya wulan kayaknya menimpaku juga, trus minta tunjangan ama siapa bli adhy????

  3. luh putu lila wulandari06:04:00

    Thanks for your info. However,the thing is, my migraine usually flares up at the end of the months… the time where especially I don’t have enough money to spend as I need… What should I do about this , doctor? Should I ask my boss to include the “tunjangan migraine” in my salary… hehehehe….

  4. >Wulan: ask bli tut for the ‘tunjangan migren’ hehe..>Pande: meneketehe..


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