16 May 2008

Blogging burns time, not fat

Expert recommended that any activities related to sitting in front of a computer, whatever the variety, should be done for a maximum of two hours a day.
I know my fellow bloggers will contend me for this posting. But that is just a sort of recommendation from non-bloggers (might be). The main reason is that we need more fresh air in our daily lives. More importantly, we need some movements to burn kilojoules of energy to stay healthy.
If we feel that two hours blogging is not enough then just ignore the above statement. However, we should bear in mind that blogging is one of activity that doesn't much require physical movement. Thus, it would be better if we can balance it by doing some exercises. 

In regard to the above experts' suggestion, in addition to regular exercises, I would then prefer to recommend that we should at least strectch our body in every 2 hours sitting in front of the computer. Stretching could be performed by:

  • standing up or finding a comfortable position and shaking our body left and right for a couple of minutes
  • putting our arms or legs out and tightening our muscles, while we're sitting
  • remember performing each stretch  slowly and relax, three to five times for about 30 seconds each, and don't exceed 1 minute each time as it can increase the risk of muscle injury.

Do you have any similar ideas? Please drop your tips, if any!

Let's burn our fat by exercises and burn our time and mind by blogging!


  1. if we just stretch our arms and legs would we burned kilojoules? i don;t think stretching would be that hard :D

  2. just stop blogging 24/7 :lol:
    there're so many fun outhere...

  3. in the past, I can do that..2+ hours blogging with free wifi
    or in the net cafe (it's rainy outside..) :)

    I guess, stretching is a must..not just for kilojoules
    would be helpful for blood circulation
    and some fresh idea to blog :)

  4. huhu, langsung dipraktekin, niy!
    btw, yup ... aku lagi nduts (hiks!). Moga-moga bulan depan, setelah ngelahirin BB bisa langsung turun drastis. yeah, right ...

  5. ck.ck..ck
    with blogging, the fat is burns too.. ;)

  6. upppss me? 5+ hours :)

  7. Blogging? Depend on my busy.....working, meeting, and blogging is just I have time at home.

  8. » ghozan, deddy, dani, Vina, Okta, devari, edratna:
    Thanks everyone ! ...and keep healthy during blogging ;)

  9. calisthenics was heavily promoted for people who are forced by circumstance to a sedentary job or as in this article's case - for blogacholics.

    the japanese till today are great believers in this. in fact, inside their factories, there are mandatory intervals for their production operators who have to get off their seats and perform calisthenics to piped-in music and return to their work, feeling more refreshed of course.

    whether this burns fat is another arguement. i do not think that it does. however, it surely helps the circulation of blood and helps the body to overcome lethargy.

  10. » Wind Mill,
    Thanks for your comment. Indeed, calisthenics is also a good way to stretch our body.
    I also agree that stretching will not burn fat, what I'd like to highlight was blogging can increase physical inactivity and may also the risk of obesity. Hence, some exercises are needed. However, if we don't have enough time to do that, then do some stretching or calisthenics instead.

  11. kayaknya waktu saya lebih banyak dihabiskan di depan komputer. nggak sehat banget ya?

  12. Ngga ada pilihan kalau memang pekerjaannya lebih banyak di depan komputer (plus kewajiban or hobi ngeblog juga :D ). Tapi sebaiknya diimbangi dengan aktivitas atau olahraga yang cukup...

  13. How about Online Gamers??

  14. wahh...
    waktu ngeblog nggak sebanyak itu.
    tapi waktu didepan komputer lebih banyak dari itu.
    working hours+game hours at home..

  15. » Stethoscope_guy,
    I think it applies to Online gamers as well, because most of the time we should sit in front of a computer. What a difference is that in online games, sometimes we move our extremities, more concentration needed, and yet we get some sweat (may be burn fat too?)

    » Yanuar,
    Sama :D waktu ngerjain tugas tugas hampir seharian di depan komputer

  16. hi, thanks for comment on my blog,

    nice tips, this article related to what i teach at stikom bali, on IMK (interaksi manusia dan komputer) lesson.

  17. » wira,
    Thanks for visiting

  18. sibermedik01:41:00

    Carpal tunnel syndrome risk! would you mind explain it? one of the occupational disease which danger for human resource in computer environment

  19. » sibermedik,

    Sure I will post sometime in this month...


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