There are some problems might occurred during flight due to flight environment and mostly air turbulence that can be created by many circumstances such as atmospheric pressure and bad weather.
Here are some tips that may help to keep your little one safe when flying.
A rapid changing in air pressure during take-offs and (more frequently) landings can be painful for babies ears. It is suggested to bring along ear filters that can protect eardrums against the rapid changing in air pressure. Breastfeeding may also help to reduce the problem. Another way is by encouraging your child to swallow by offering gum or candy, giving something to drink (formula milk or water), or giving a pacifier to suck on.
It is better to seat the kid by the window. Most kids find the view very interesting and attarctive. Another reason is that the little arms and legs could get bumped if the kid sit on the aisle.
The only way to ensure your child will be safe in the event of turbulence or an emergency is by seating the child in a child restraint system (CRS). The shoulder straps should be properly adjusted and remember to fasten the airplane seat belt surround the CRS. Place the child in an appropriate CRS designed as indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, it is recommended that a child weighing less than 10 kilograms use a rear-facing CRS, from 10 to 20 kilograms use a forward-facing CRS and more than 20 kilograms use the airplane seat belt.
Have a nice flight with your kids!
wah tips yang bagus nih pak dokter... di atas 1 taun udah boleh diajak naik pesawat ya pak dokter... pertamax nih!
ReplyDeleteAdy Replies:
Tidak ada usia minimum, yang penting kondisi kesehatanya baik (dengan pemeriksaan dokter), 1 minggu setelah lahir juga sudah boleh, cuma untuk lebih meyakinkan, beberapa perusahaan penerbangan menerapkan aturan usia minimum. Ada yang 2 minggu, 1 bulan dlsb. Tapi yang paling ideal untuk perjalanan yang jauh adalah setelah usia anak diatas 6 bulan.
Child Restraint System? hmm interesting..saya cuma tau kalau bayi boleh diajak terbang usia minimal 1minggu dengan cara sebelum berangkat dan setelah turun pesawat si bayi diberi minum susu. Pemberian susu ini bertujuan merangsang manuver valsava agar tekanan di tuba eustachi sama dgn tek.lingk sekitar untuk menghndari munculnya rasa sakit (otalgia) pada bayi akibat perbedaan tekanan.
ReplyDeleteAdy Replies:
Yup, tapi tidak semua anak mengalami gangguan akibat perubahan tekanan dan sekarang malah jarang terjadi. Sistem seal pressure cabin sudah semakin baik.
A very nice tips pak dokter... i'll keep that in mind. Salam kenal.
ReplyDeleteAdy Replies:
Thanks Rama, salam kenal juga